Impact Driven Digital & IT Company


75% of consumers click on first five search results.

60% say they click what they see first

82% Of Mobile Shoppers Doing ‘Near Me’ Searches

SEO That Transforms Your Online Destiny.

In the dynamic world of digital business, standing out amidst the digital noise is paramount. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is your secret weapon to not just be seen but to be chosen. At [Your Company Name], we offer an SEO experience that transforms your website from a digital wallflower to a shining star.
#LinkBuilding #KeywordResearch #OnpageSEO #ContentOptimization #BlogWriting #ConversionRateOptimization #TechnicalSEO #DigitalPR #ContentStrategy #WhiteLabelSEO

Our SEO Services Offering.

  • Technical SEO
  • SEO for E-commerce
  • Local SEO
  • International SEO
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Why is Technical SEO important?

Without proper Technical SEO, your website will not be discoverable by Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.)

Our Thorough Approach:
  • Goal - We make sure that your website is crawlable and indexable by search engines, allowing it to rank for targeted keywords.
  • Audit - We do an audit and examine Crawling & Indexing, Structured Data, Redirects, JS rendering, Canonicals, HREF tags, as well as other factors.
  • Execution - We collaborate with IT team to close the audit gaps. Low-hanging fruit should be picked first for optimal results in the shortest period of time.
Impact on our client:

By focusing solely on technical and on-page elements for a brand, we have increased an average organic traffic by 400% while maintaining the same authority.

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Why is eCommerce SEO important?

eCommerce SEO is about more than just ranking for revenue (buy-intent) keywords; it is also about targeting the customers from the research stage.

Our Thorough Approach:
  • Goal - Capture users at the research and purchase stages to ensure that our network is spread wide enough to get organic conversion done.
  • Audit - E-commerce websites typically have hundreds of pages indexed, with each product and category page capable of ranking for relevant keywords. We evaluate the short comings in category structure, product page linking, and competition analysis, which boosts the website's overall rating. .
  • Execution - We collaborate with your IT team to close the audit gaps. We provide them with step-by-step instructions on what to alter and where to change it.
Impact on our client:

In less than 6 months, we doubled organic traffic and boosted revenue upto 80% for many of our clients by targeting the proper mix of keywords (less competitive high intent).

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Why is local SEO important?

Local search queries can assist drive traffic to your offline business; however, it is critical to target the proper set of keywords with the offline goal of visiting the store.

Our Thorough Approach:
  • Goal - To increase footfall from searches that occur locally. Not just Google My Business, but also Bing Listings, Tripadvisor Listings, Yandex Maps, and other channels where your target audience is present.
  • Audit -Unanswered reviews, outdated photos, missing phone numbers, and other errors are typical with most local listings today; these little jobs have a significant influence on the reach and ranking of your listings. Store owners sometimes overlook new features that are regularly added to GMBs. .
  • Execution - The first step toward local success is to analyze platforms and get your local listings confirmed. Filling in the blanks with accurate information and regularly updating them with new features and strategies for obtaining reviews benefits your brand's reputation and local ranks in search results.
Impact on our client:

Most of our clients with a physical presence have witnessed a 40 to 50% boost in high-value footfall.

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If your firm sells items or services all over the world, your internet presence and visibility are critical to your success.
DgCrux is the worldwide SEO specialist you need to give the greatest experience possible to all of your international customers, clients, and target audiences, no matter where they are in the world.
Using our knowledge and unique International SEO technique, we assist businesses in ranking their websites for the languages, regions, and countries required to corner each of the markets they are pursuing and emerge as a truly global brand.

We'll Create and Execute a Killer International SEO Ranking Technique

Our international SEO services are supported by our technical SEO competence as well as the experience and insights of our globally dispersed workforce. We'll define and assess your worldwide growth objectives before designing and implementing an effective international SEO plan tailored to YOUR brand.

Not Sure About Working with an Agency?.

If you are experiencing any of the below, DgCrux Technology can help you.

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01. Low Website Traffic?
02. Lack of leads, sales or conversion?
03. High customer acquisition costs?
04. No SEO Expertise and Specialization in-house team?
05. Limited resources for marketing?
06. Lack of competitive knowledge?
07. Bad results with other agencies?
08. No time for doing SEO activity?
09. Need SEO deliverables fast?
10. Want Global reach?

Why Choose DgCrux as your SEO Agency? .

Search on Google icon
Expertise and

We have specialized expertise and a diverse skill set.

Youtube open in Desktop
Cost-Effective Solutions

We provide cost-efficient services compared to in-house teams.

Task List Icon

Our Team will save your lots of time and handle day-to-day tasks related to SEO activity.

Premium tools and resources icon
Access to

We have access to premium tools and resources .

scalability and flexibility icon
Scalability and Flexibility

We adapt to your changing needs, offering scalability and flexibility quickly.

We do SEO, that gives you exponential growth !


  • 1.What is SEO, and why is it important?
    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it's the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results like Google. It's important because it helps increase your online visibility, attract more organic traffic, and improve your website's chances of being found by potential customers.
  • 2.How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?
    SEO is a long-term strategy, and the timeline for results can vary. Generally, you might start seeing improvements in a few months, but significant results often take six months to a year or more, depending on competition and the quality of your SEO efforts.
  • 3. What are keywords, and how do they impact SEO?
    Keywords are the words or phrases people use to search for information online. They play a crucial role in SEO because search engines use them to determine the relevance of your content to a user's query. Effective keyword research and optimization can boost your website's rankings.
  • 4. What is on-page SEO?
    On-page SEO involves optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings. This includes optimizing content, meta tags, headings, images, and internal links to make your pages more attractive to search engines.
  • 5. What is off-page SEO, and why is it essential?
    Off-page SEO involves activities done outside your website to improve its authority and reputation. This includes building high-quality backlinks, managing online reviews, and engaging in social media and influencer marketing. Off-page SEO is essential because it helps search engines trust your site more.
  • 6. Do I need to hire an SEO agency, or can I do SEO on my own?
    You can do basic SEO on your own, but the complexity of SEO often requires expertise. Hiring an experienced SEO agency can save you time, provide access to specialized tools, and deliver more effective results.
  • 7. What is mobile SEO, and why does it matter?
    Mobile SEO focuses on optimizing your website for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It's essential because an increasing number of users browse and search on mobile devices. Google also uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, so mobile SEO can impact your website's visibility.
  • 8. How can I measure the success of my SEO efforts?
    You can measure SEO success through various metrics, including organic traffic growth, keyword rankings, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated from organic search. Regularly monitoring these metrics and using analytics tools can help you assess your SEO performance.

Start SEO Journey Today and Dominate the Digital World!

Don't let your digital destiny be a mystery. Experience the magic of SEO and transform your online presence.